7 Tips for Increasing Your Company’s Social Media Shares | NUCITRUS

7 Tips for Increasing Your Company’s Social Media Shares

With content marketing strategies in place, you can create great content to get more readers. But, how do you get eyes onto that content?

One way is through social media marketing. It’s one of the easiest ways to multiply your marketing efforts because you only have to share something with your followers and they may share it with theirs.

To get more social media shares, you have to follow a few simple tips. Keep reading to learn our favorite ways to increase shares on social media.

1. Give Them What They Want

Your followers aren’t going to read your content – much less share it – if it’s not something that they’re interested in. That’s why you first have to consider what your audience wants.

When you provide people with the content they want, they’re far more likely to share it with others.

2. Use Attention-grabbing Images

Why are Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat some of the fastest-growing social media platforms today? Because they rely almost exclusively on visual content.

Be sure to use images that are relevant to your content and that catch the eye of people as they scroll through their feed.

3. Post at the Right Time

Most people follow hundreds of other people and companies on their social media platforms. That means they won’t see everything posted by everyone.

If you want to get your content in front of people, you need to post it at pique times. These vary by platform and industry, so take some time to figure out when the majority of your followers are online.

4. Post More Than Once

Because your post won’t be seen by everyone when you post it, you need to make sure you’re posting each piece of content multiple times. Spread it out over several days to prevent the platform from flagging it as spam.

5. Have Share Buttons

On your website, you need to make sure you have share buttons for the most popular social media platforms in prominent places. If you’re using WordPress, there are a ton of plugins that can help you do this with a few clicks.

You can also get plugins that make it easy for people to share excerpts or images from your content for more shares.

6. Ask for Shares

Don’t be afraid to ask for people to share your content. This is a great call-to-action (CTA) to include in your post so you can easily get more shares. Just be sure there’s value in your post that people will want to share with their own followers.

7. Stay Consistent

At the end of the day, the biggest factor that determines your success on social media is whether or not you stay consistent with your strategy.

It can take some time to get traction on these platforms, so keep at it and you’ll see results eventually.

Need Help Getting More Social Media Shares?

Now you know some ways you can start getting more social media shares for your website content. As you can see, many of these are simple and easy to implement but provide amazing results.

If you need help with your social media marketing strategy, check out our social media services. We would love to connect your business with the right influencers and get more relevant follows for your accounts.

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